Let's improve Dove Holes station!

Dove Holes is a great place to live. It’s got a fantastic community spirit and people are rightly proud to live here. However, there is no doubt that local public transport is simply not good enough. That’s why I’m campaigning for improvements, particularly to train services.

I have successfully campaigned to reinstate the full pre-Covid timetable to local rail services but Dove Holes is still left with an inadequate service.

Many local people have also raised concerns about the facilities at Doves Holes railway station. In particular the ticket machine being located on the wrong platform and the lack of lights. This means that the station is plunged into darkness at night, leaving many feeling unsafe on their walk home.

Dove Holes has been left in the dark for too long. As such, I am campaigning to get lights installed at the station and invest in facilities at Dove Holes.

If we want Northern and Network Rail to listen to us, we need to demonstrate that there is strong demand for this locally. That’s why I have started a local petition, to show the strength of feeling in Dove Holes.

Please sign my petition below. Together, we can make Dove Holes a safer place to live. 

Install lights outside Dove Holes Station

Please fill out the below form to sign my petition and express your support for moving the ticket machine on to the right platform and installing lights outside the station. 
I support the petition for installing lights outside Dove Holes Railway Station and moving the ticket machine to the right platform.
On the scale of 0-10, where 0 means there's no chance of you voting for the party and 10 means you would be absolutely certain to vote for the party.